Lakefront Sheet Metal Extended Flange Drop Outlet 4"x5"
Lakefront Sheet Metal Extended Flange Drop Outlet 4"x5"
Lakefront Sheet Metal Drop Outlet provides a quick, ready-made way to connect your job's gutter to a downspout. Water flows down to a gutter, and from the gutter to your downspout. But to make that trip easy, you'll need a Lakefront Sheet Metal Drop Outlet, which is fitted to your gutter, and the downspout fitted snugly over the outlet. These Extended Flange Drop Outlets feature longer tabs for pop rivets making them easier to install.
Lakefront Roofing and Siding Supply understands how important it is to pay attention to the details. That’s why they're fully ANSI SPRI ES1 Certified and have an entire custom sheet metal shop in-house to attend to all of your needs! Lakefront Sheet Metal, offers a variety of stocked downspouts, flashing, and accessory products.
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