Evolve Stone FR-CS-MA-F Capital Sky Flats Fire Rated Morning Aspen
Evolve Stone FR-CS-MA-F Capital Sky Flats Fire Rated Morning Aspen
*All Evolve Stone Orders are FINAL.
*This is a special order product - subject to return restrictions. Shipping and return policy
The next evolution in decorative stone is here. Evolve Stone is the most innovative stone siding product to date, surpassing its predecessors in value, ease, and
accessibility. Formulated from patented Evolve Material, it is the very first stone cladding that can be face nailed in the same fashion as traditional siding, reducing installation time dramatically. Like real stone, this proprietary material holds its color throughout, so it can be cut to fit on-site while maintaining the highest appearance standards.
Best described as a blend of old and new, this versatile style complements both traditional and contemporary design. Capital Sky offers an offset pattern featuring stones with varied heights and varied lengths, coupled with natural stone textures for an organic look and feel.
Evolve Stone's inventive, unconventional approach, cutting-edge technology, and
decades of precision craftsmanship have made them the premier designer of rock structure environments in the world.
Universal sill pieces are available in all four colors and can be installed with any of our stone styles and 90 degree outside corner pieces are available for each style and color combination.
*Flats can be mitred to become corner pieces.
For other colors or options, see "Related Products" below.